- エンドユーザー用の使用許諾契約{しよう きょだく けいやく}を注意深く読む
carefully read the end-user license agreement 意味
- "carefully plan" 意味
- "carefully planned" 意味
- "carefully planned and meticulously executed" 意味
- "carefully prepare the draft" 意味
- "carefully read it word by word" 意味
- "carefully read the label attached to a can" 意味
- "carefully refrain from interfering" 意味
- "carefully research" 意味
- "carefully review the possibility of marketing" 意味
- "carefully prepare the draft" 意味
- "carefully read it word by word" 意味
- "carefully read the label attached to a can" 意味
- "carefully refrain from interfering" 意味